Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hope 4 Women's Sponsorship Program

Ajambo Alumerida –55 years old
Is a widow living with HIV/AIDS. She has five children and seven grandchildren whom she struggles to support by selling fish, charcoal and tomatoes. With your help she can become self-reliant and offer her children and grandchildren a life disconnected from poverty.

Sponsorship Program
For $36 a month you can send a Ugandan woman through our business training course and put her on the path to owning her own business. Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive information and a photograph of the woman who is benefiting from your monthly gift.

Sponsor a woman in the Smile Africa Program and here is what she receives:

 Garden seeds and a hoe to jump-start her on feeding her family.

 a strengths test to see in which business God has gifted her

 a 40-session mission character class which leads her through the Biblical
principles of business

 a code of ethics contract

 classes in English, reading, writing and math

 classes in money management, saving, banking

 a graduation certificate once she has completed all the classes and has
completed her apprenticeship

 seed money in their bank account to start her on her way to self-sufficiency

 mentoring and monitoring by our Ugandan partner Smile Africa

 induction into the Women's Hall of Dignity when she has successfully completed one year in business

What you will receive
 a photo and profile of your sponsored woman

 quarterly updates on her progress

 assurance of financial, ethical and spiritual accountability

 a prayer doll named after the person you sponsor as a reminder to pray for the woman you support.

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