How many of you dreamed of doing great things as a child? Think about the dreams you had—do you have those same dreams today?
We have a lot of young women here today who dream of being doctors, lawyers and princesses. When I was a young girl in rural Iowa I dreamed of being a famous writer and although I had no idea where New York was I dreamed of moving there and becoming a model.
As a writer I'm famous to about five people:)
The model dream? Well. . . unless there is a call for a 57-year-old overweight—never been botoxed or tucked or lifted woman—I think we can set that aside.
The wonderful thing about knowing our Lord is He will give you dreams you could never dream on your own.
(I then talked about the dreams that brought Hope 4 Women & Dress a Girl to where we are today and ended with the following)
What are your dreams? What has God put within your heart? Sometimes the dream may seem crazy—like having a tea party with the Pygmy women from the Congo—but if you ask God to be in it—that tea party can change lives—yours and theirs.
For me--being honored by women who have been pulled from the ashes and kneeling before little girls who never dreamed of owning a new dress. . . well, it’s a far cry from being a famous author or a model in New York. . . but I wouldn’t trade the life God has given me for all the glamour and glory of this world.
Every day I am in awe that God would use me and whenever I receive news of a woman transformed or a little girl receiving her first new dress I fall to my knees and thank God for using me.
Don’t let your dreams be something you do someday. If you don’t act –then you are just dreaming—start today to act upon what God has put in you!"
With that I handed my microphone to Robert and jumped up onto the runway--"strutting" back and forth to claps, whistles and laughter. When the crowd stopped laughing I "modeled" while Robert read:
"Rachel Eggum Cinader--NOT from New York is modeling this ruffled dress--chosen by our granddaughter Jordan--From JC Penny.
Rachel is wearing a black shrug and black leggings to cover her 57-year-old arms and legs.
Candies heeled shoes--black of course--complete the outfit!
Rachel knows that in God's eyes every women and girl is beautiful--just the way you are!"
YOu look like a model...your hair blowing..I'm sooooo proud of you. Love you sissy
That whole idea is so incredible. I love the idea of sending a pretty little dress to a girls or woman overseas who has never had one so nice. Having lived overseas most my life, my mind is going crazy right now with ideas. Thank you. And you looked beautiful~
This was an amazing speech and an amazing moment created by an amazing woman....So Blessed to call you friend!
Much Love,
Look at that wonderful smile!!!
You are definitely model material! You are a wonderful "role model" for all of us in how we should be living our lives for the Lord! So proud to be part of your Dress A Girl team!
Rachel I was crying as I read this post, I have been thinking over the last few days, "what do I want to do in life now?", "what is my passion?" "what can I do without adding to CFS?" Then a God(co)-incident a post from a friend in UK pops up on my fbpage with the 31 dresses her sewing group has made for 'dress a girl around the world'. This starts a google search that leads me here. I have been sewing and selling simple items along with part of my teaparty china collection at the local markets for about a year now (once a month). I want to also get involved in your project and wonder if there are anygroups already in Australia?
Update, someone sent me a link to the sydney group on fb
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