Hope 4 Women International is proud to introduce Lisa Witham Foerster as our new director of women sponsorship! She comes to us with a great background in business, management and leadership skills.
Her role? Her biggest challenge will be to keep me organizedJ With her attention to detail and ability to problem solve we are looking forward to keeping our personal touch with those who are passionate about empowering women around the world.
Here is what the sponsorship program is doing in Uganda:
For $36 a month you can send a Ugandan woman through our business training course and put her on the path to owning her own business. Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive information and a photograph of the woman who is benefiting from your monthly gift.
Sponsor a woman in the Smile Africa Program and here is what she receives:
Garden seeds and a hoe to jump-start her on feeding her family.
a strengths test to see in which business God has gifted her
a 40-session mission character class which leads her through the Biblical
principles of business
a code of ethics contract
classes in English, reading, writing and math
classes in money management, saving, banking
a graduation certificate once she has completed all the classes and has
completed her apprenticeship
seed money in their bank account to start her on her way to self-sufficiency mentoring and monitoring by our Ugandan partner Smile Africa
induction into the Women's Hall of Dignity when she has successfully completed one year in business
Lisa has just added twenty-one widows from India
In India many of the older widows are forced to live with their families—placing a financial and emotional burden on already stressed, poverty-stricken families. Your financial support will allow our ministry partners to supply her with rice, lentils, wheat, fruit, milk and medical treatment. This will take the financial burden off of her family and they will treat her with dignity instead of scorning and sometimes abusing her for being a drain on their limited resources.
Meet Shanti Kamal Prasad
Shanti Kamal Prasad is an 81 year old widow. She has four sons and two daughters. She lives with her youngest son and his family. Shanti enjoys listening to sermons, going on picnics, and visiting the sick and disabled.
For just over one dollar per day ($36 a month) You can give this precious widow daily sustenance along with her dignity.
Thank you for caring about widows.
To learn more about sponsoring a widow please contact Lisa@h4wi.org